How good is your data? How well it meets the requirements of your new ERP system? How much of the cleaning/migration efforts is automatically can and how much the business is going to have to do manually? Unless you know the answer to these questions it is really hard to plan a data migration project well.
Therefore is the first phase of a data migration methodology it should be the data profile. The tools that I prefer to use to do this are usually SAP BusinessObjects data insight and data services.
With these tools, together with basic knowledge of the requirements the development of a snapshot which can provide data in the legacy system can fit “Inside” how well it into the new system, what issues come and be available to set up an idea, whether the problems can be fixed programmatically, or if you need a human touch.
All too often at the last minute, the business is told that data is missing and the new system is not without it work. You then run around frantically trying to get good accurate data or just your hands in the air cast and make ‘Default’-data only, to get something in the system. Neither option is best. This profiling as the first phase of the project to many of these types of situations at an early stage be identified and avoided. The business get plenty of time, in order to collect the necessary data and to ensure that it meets the intended business must in the new system.
Paynsl Peter Aynsley Hartwell is Vice President – solutions consulting for Utopia Inc.
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