SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials
SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials
 MDM CLIX makes most operational MDM Console commands accessible via a command line interface and from within batch files, making it useful for scheduling and automating routine maintenance. In addition, CLIX provides an added measure of security and consistency, since automated batch operation eliminates the potentially unrestricted access and the types of errors that may be introduced through a manual GUI interface. CLIX runs on all platforms for which MDM has been released, including Windows, Linux and Solaris (contrasting with the MDM Console, which is exclusively a Windows-based application).Â
CLIX Command Syntax
CLIX command_name [MDM:arguments] [MDM:option flags]Â
Advantages of Automatic Backup
No User Intervention required: Since the backup command is executing automatically hence no user action is involved.Â
Provide Security & Consistency: MDM CLIX provides an added measure of security and consistency, since automated batch operation eliminates the potentially unrestricted access and the types of errors that may be introduced through a manual GUI interface.
Avoid Manual Backup overhead: Using MDM CLIX commands in a batch file avoids the overhead of taking regular backup of master data manually.Â
How-to perform Automatic backup (Archive of MDM Repository) using CLIX Command
 CLIX cpyArchive command is used to create the Archive of the repository specified as a parameter in the command.Â
Syntax of cpyArchive commandÂ
CLIX cpyArchive MDMHostSpec RepositorySpec [MDM:-A filename] [MDM:-S segSize] [MDM:-F] [MDM:-N] [MDM:-O] [MDM:-D]Â
MDMHostSpec = MDMHostName : MDMPassword
RepositorySpec = RepositoryName : DBMSHostName : DBMSType : DBMSUser : DBMSPassword    Â
1. Create a new file and write the below lines in it:Â
    set path=c:\Program Files\SAP MDM 5.5\CLIX
    CLIX cpyArchive Test_MDMServer Test_Repository:Test_DBMSServer:s:sa:pass1234 -F -A TestClixBackup.a2aÂ
2. Save the file with .bat extension
3. Navigate to Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Scheduled Tasks.
4. Double click on Add Scheduled Task and click Next to continue.
5. Click on Browse, navigate to the path where batch file has been saved and select the batch file.
6. After opening the batch file, select the option depending on when the backup is to be taken and complete the further steps.
When ever a task is due, commands written in batch file will be executed automatically and overwrite the previously saved Archive (since –F is used in the command) with the new updated one.Â
SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials
SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials
Any backup related command like Archive, Duplicate, Synchronize slave, etc can be automatically executed by entering the command in the batch file and scheduling it.Â
SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials
SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials