SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials
SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials
“Driven to Perform” Podcast from SAPPHIRE Orlando 2009 on Are you ready for corporate performance management?
Stephanie Buscemi, co-author of Driven to Perform – Risk-Aware Performance Management From Strategy Through Execution, did a podcast at SAPPHIRE 2009 discussing the key concepts of the book. This is a great way to get a quick overview!
SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials
SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials
Are you ready for corporate performance management?
Corporate performance management (CPM) is one of those hazy terms that means different things to different people, but the basic concept almost everyone can agree on is that CPM is the discipline of tracking progress against preset goals to make sure those goals are being met in as efficient a way as possible.
How to actually achieve effective CPM, which involves aspects of business intelligence (BI) and risk management, is where things get tricky. There are any number of performance management methods that companies can follow, but choosing one over another is often an exercise in guesswork.
To help you better understand the concept of CPM and develop specific steps to successfully implement and maintain a performance management framework, we’re speaking with Stephanie Buscemi, vice president of marketing for enterprise performance management and governance, risk and compliance at SAP and the coauthor of the new book Driven to Perform.
In this 30-minute podcast, appropriate for both business and IT professionals, listeners will:
- Learn just what elements make up CPM and how the discipline has evolved over the last several years (1:45).
- Get an understanding of the current state of CPM adoption and the major stumbling blocks most companies encounter (5:30).
- Find out how CPM demands a balance among people and process issues and technical demands (10:15).
- Get advice on the sometimes overwhelming task of starting a CPM initiative and managing the CPM lifecycle (14:20).
- Get tips for evaluating CPM technologies and how to make buying decisions that match your CPM needs (21:50).
- Find out what you risk if you fail to develop a comprehensive CPM framework (25:00).
You can also download the podcast directly.
About the speaker: Stephanie Buscemi is vice president of marketing for enterprise performance management and governance, risk and compliance at SAP, where she is responsible for go-to-market plans, cross-product solutions, and product strategy. She has served in leadership roles within performance management and business intelligence over the past 14 years. Stephanie joined SAP from Hyperion/Oracle, where she was most recently senior director of global marketing. Prior to Hyperion/Oracle, Stephanie was at Business Objects, where she led in building the company’s U.S. presence. She holds a B.A. from UCLA.
SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials
SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials