Using SAP MDM Import Manager Batch

SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials

SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials

About Import Manager Batch

Import Manager Batch is a tool to upload data into MDM in a batch or background mode. This tool has to be used hand-in-hand with the online Import Manager. It is not meant to be used without the support of Import Manager as an important component of the batch import process i.e. the import maps need to be created online.

On the Windows platform, this utility is delivered as an ‘.exe’ file (ImportManagerBatch.exe). This tool can be run in a scheduled background job. Hence it is handy to upload large amounts of data.

A log of import activities is also provided by this tool.


Setting up the Import Manager Batch

Once installation has been completed, a few chunks of information are needed to effectively import data using Import Manager Batch. An MS-DOS batch program can then be created to execute the utility online or in a scheduled batch.

Information required

Server and Login

The server information is meant to locate the particular repository to which the data needs to be uploaded into. The login consists of information such as user id, password and language preferences.

Import File

The file where the source data is stored. It is required that the type of file (Excel, Access etc.) and the full location be known.

Import Map

This is created as a part of the online Import Manager activities.

We will see further how we can collect some of the information required from the Data Manager and the Import Manager utility

The Import Manager Batch settings (‘.ini’) file

Once the information required is collected, it will go into the ‘ImportBatch.ini’ file as configuration data. This file can be found in the same directory where the ‘ImportManagerBatch.exe’ file is stored. Create a copy of this file before editing it.


Time to ‘.ini’

Server and Login

Execute MDM Data Manager and login to the target repository. Click Help -> Repository Info. You should see a popup as displayed.

Fig 1.1

Use the ‘MDM Server’, ‘Repository’ and ‘Port’ information for identifying the target repository. The ‘User’ and password is to be supplied for login via batch mode. The information goes in as displayed in Fig 1.2.

Fig 1.2

Import File

As mentioned earlier, the type and the full path of the file to be uploaded is required. This information can be passed into the ‘ini’ file as displayed in Fig 1.3.

Fig 1.3

Import Map

This is the most important step with respect to the quality of the import process. As a part of the Import Manager online activities, partitioning, value mapping, matching records etc. are carried out. This information is critical to the background Import Manager Batch process too.

Once all the online configuration has been completed in Import Manager, this information needs to be stored in an import map. The ‘Import Status Tab’ should show ‘Ready to import’ before the final version of the map is saved. This ensures consistent import execution.

Fig 1.4


Usage of ImportManagerBatch.exe

Once the previously mentioned setup activities have been completed, the batch process is ready to be implemented. Let us now have a look at the utility itself.

Execute ‘ImportManagerBatch.exe’ file or double click the file from explorer and you will see this dialog.

SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials

SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials

Fig 1.5

Command Line Options

The following ‘arguments’ or command line options need to be specified.

/INI: the complete file path storing server login and import file information.

/CLIENTSYTEM: MDM system name.

/MAP: Map name as stored previously.

/LANGUAGE: Language applicable, for example: English [US].

Fig 1.6

This /CLIENTSYSTEM and /LANGUAGE information can be looked up during the online import manager activities.

Fig 1.7

Creating an MS-DOS Batch File

It is necessary that ‘ImportMangerBatch.exe’ be executed from the path where it is stored. This can be accomplished by writing an MS-DOS batch file (extension ‘.bat’). This ‘.bat’ file can be executed from any directory.

Here’s a sample.

cd C:\Program Files\SAP MDM 5.5\Import Manager


importmanagerbatch /INI “D:\MDM\IMB\ImportBatch.ini” /CLIENTSYSTEM “MDM” /MAP “Equipmentmap” /LANGUAGE “English [US]”


The execution of the batch file results in the following activities.

Fig 1.8



Log of ImportBatchManager activities are found in an XML file. This is stored in the same directory as the ImportManagerBatch.exe itself. The file name starts with ‘ImportManagerBat’ and ends with the ‘.xml’ extension. Error and success notification are stored in this file.


An example of a failed process is illustrated below.

Fig 1.9

In the above log, it is stated that the import process failed because the map couldn’t be found.

Successful processes result in loading of data which can be checked by the SAP MDM Data Manager.

SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials

SAP MDM Interview Questions and SAP MDM Tutorials

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